The Ready Room is a discussion show following each new episode of various Star Trek series on Paramount Plus. First Hosted by Naomi Kyle for a single season, then Hosted by Wil Wheaton for all other seasons, it offers behind the s...
Best episode [9.1] S 2 E 8: Broken Pieces (aftershow)
The main interview is with actress Jeri Ryan who plays Seven of Nine on Star Trek: Picard and actor Jonathan Del Acro who plays Hugh on Star Trek: Picard. General discussion of Episode 8 of Season 1.
Worst episode [6.6] S 9 E 7: The Serene Squall (aftershow)
There are two main interviews: one where actress Jess Bush who plays Nurse Chapel is interviewed by Wil Wheaton and one where Costume Designer Bernadette Croft is interviewed by actress Jesse James Keitel who plays Dr. Aspen/Captain Angel.
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